Calls for Justice in Unresolved Political Murder Cases


Brenna Matendere

Harare—Former Mbizo Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator, Settlement Chikwinya, has called on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to process and finalise unresolved  politically motivated murder cases involving opposition supporters..

This follows revelations that two cases of politically driven killings from 2019 remain unresolved, with the accused having been arrested but later given bail and are now walking free in Kwekwe.

Joseph Kadonzvo, 21, was allegedly abducted and tortured to death by ruling Zanu PF supporters Kevin Bhebhe and Tapiwanashe Madondo on 29 August 2019.

The matter was reported at Garandichauya police station and investigated under CR number Mbizo 148/8/19.

Two Zanu PF youths were arrested and taken to the Kwekwe magistrates’ court under CRB KK1254/19, after which they referred to the High Court in Bulawayo where they were granted bail but are yet to be tried.

Similarly, the 27 February 2022 murder of CCC activist Mboneni Ncube at a CCC rally remains unresolved, with five suspects (Edmore Shoshera, Albert Maketo, Talent Imbayago, Panashe Mukavaza, and Percy Mukwaturi) still awaiting trial after being granted bail in April 2022.

Initially, 16 suspects were arrested for Ncube’s murder.

Ncube was fatally stabbed with a spear by Zanu PF supporters at an ill-fated CCC rally addressed by then party leader, Nelson Chamisa, in Kwekwe.

Two years after the callous attack, the activist’s sister, Judith Ncube lamented perceived reluctance by Zimbabwean authorities to bring the culprits to justice, alleging that her family endured torment from her brother’s suspected killers.

“We have been threatened before by the killers of our brother and we expect justice to take its course on the murder case.

“We also feel let down by the human rights movement; we thought they were going to help us push for justice,” she lamented.

Chikwinya, in an interview with News Hub, emphasised that the delays were unjust and urged the JSC to expedite proceedings.

“It is unfortunate that these cases have not yet been brought to trial despite the suspects being known and some still with us in the community,” he said.

Chikwinya added: “Quite a number of reasons can be inferred, but the bottom line is this is justice delayed and by extension, justice denied.”

“I appreciate efforts by the Judicial Service Commission to extend High Court circuits to areas like Gokwe and Gweru because that has reduced the time taken for a murder case to be heard.

“It is in view of the contemporary efforts by the JSC that I pray and hope for complementary efforts from all stakeholders involved in bringing suspects to court, that they may give particular attention to these outstanding cases so that the families can at least get justice,” said Chikwinya.

Joseph Kadonzvo’s father, Antony, expressed frustration over the lack of progress in his son’s case, questioning why it had been neglected.

“I expected the Zanu PF people to come to the funeral since my son was tortured at a place where they gather and by youths from that party but they did not do so. That is still fresh in my mind,” he said.

Gweru Chief Law Officer, Samuel Pedzisayi, said he could not comment specifically on the two cases, but added that his department has some 112 cases on its roll, 93 on which suspects were indicted while the rest did not have solid evidence.

“We have completed all the 93 matters which had evidence and the remaining ones we sent back dockets to the police because we felt investigations had not been done to our satisfaction.

“I can’t specifically talk about the two cases you mention but if they are matters from 2019 and 2022 as you say, I would want to say they are still outstanding because investigations have not been done to our satisfaction.

“We have no reason to keep at bay, matters whose evidence is solid and satisfactory. So, it must be something to do with lack of watertight investigations,” he said.

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