NUST in over US$10m pension arrears: Workers


Pamenus Tuso

Bulawayo– Employees at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) are accusing the institution of deducting pension contributions from them without remitting them to Old Mutual as required.

The allegation dominated debate at the annual pension fund general meeting held at the campus last Tuesday.

The meeting brought together the employees, NUST officials and representatives of Old Mutual, which manages the retirement benefits.

Workers who talked to NewsHub allege that NUST has defaulted on remitting the money for a long time.

“During the meeting, we were surprised that from 1992 to 2013, the university did not remit our pension contributions, yet the money was deducted from our salaries every month,” said a worker who refused to be named.

“I have been religiously contributing towards my pension since I joined the university in 1995. I was shocked when the Old Mutual people addressed and told us that all pension contributions deducted before 2013 would not be honoured (because the money did not reach the pension fund).

“I was hoping that, by the time I retire, I will have something to cushion me,” said another worker who also refused to be named.

Workers who have retired from the higher learning institution are now said to be waiting for years before they get their pension.

“Frustrated employees, especially academic staff, have left the university for greener pastures without getting their pension.

“It is dependents of deceased workers who get priority in the disbursement of the pensions,” said added the worker.

Minutes of last week’s meeting indicate that the NUST pension fund has accumulated a deficit amounting to more than US$10 million.

“It was also highlighted that the (US$10 million) deficit only affected members who joined the fund prior to 31 December 2012,” reads the minutes.

In that regard, the cumulative arrears could be far higher.

The workers also accused the company of failing to pay them cost-of-living allowances.

“Workers at all state universities are receiving the monthly allowances depending on one‘s grade but here at NUST, we are not getting anything,” claimed another worker.

The Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC) has in the past noted that some private entities were failing to remit pension dues, a trend that it said negatively affected employees upon retirement.

NUST’s director of communication and marketing, Thabani Mpofu, insisted the university was up to date with its pension remittances.

“All the information you have is not true. We do not owe anyone. We are a law-abiding university and we treat all our employees, including pensioners, with the respect and dignity they deserve,” Mpofu told NewsHub.

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1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says

    I am one of those affected i retired from NUST on 2020 up to now I havent been paid my pesion. All that Mppfu is saying is not true. Check with Old Mutual. He is just singing for his supper. The arrears were accurued well before he joined NUST.

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